Outdoor experiences for YOUTH, curated by 37 North to nurture skills, cultivate creativity, and activate adventure.

Busy Squirrels

Clever Foxes

Ages 5 - 10

Wild Coyotes

Ages 11 - 18

Ages 3 - 5

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 60 minutes daily of unstructured free play as an essential part of children’s physical and mental health and social development.



The average American child between the ages of 8-10 spends 6 hours of screen time each day.


More than 400 studies have shown a connection between exposure to green spaces and better health, including healthier weight, lower stress levels and a stronger immune system. 


American pediatricians are starting to actually prescribe outdoor play for help in addressing widespread obesity, chronic illness, depression, and behavioral problems among youth.

If we try to prevent all risky situations, children will not know how to deal with unpredictable environments and will lack the necessary confidence to overcome challenges in an autonomous way.
— Gabriella Bento, Pub Med


We are doing our part to bring childhood back outside. Modern children have grown accustomed to indoor settings, digital learning environments, high stimulation, busy schedules and instant gratification.

Our programs create a pressure valve for modern kids. We design mini-adventures and missions to capture their attention, spark their interest and teach kids to find the magic in the mundane. Our hope is that each child connects and ultimately finds a refuge in the natural world.


PRESENT // Our guide uses storytelling to animate the group’s mission and demo any real-world tools necessary. Children are trusted and supported to use professional equipment, technology and tools throughout their mission.

PARTICIPATE // Kids actively problem-solve for the session’s mission through trial + error and focused play designed to challenge their minds and bodies while building trust with their peers and flex their team-building muscles.

PROCESS // Post-activity group discussion to aid in processing the experience. During this time, kids develop critical thinking and strategic collaboration skills.

PRACTICE // Kids re-enter the activity environment with mindful prompts from group discussion; They are now experiencing the adventure with new context and perspective.


"Thank you, old cedar. That was the best time I've ever had in my life." - Cyrus, age 7

"Thank you, old cedar. That was the best time I've ever had in my life." - Cyrus, age 7

“I wish we were nature people and we could do this every year, like a tradition.” - Kiera, age 5

“I wish we were nature people and we could do this every year, like a tradition.” - Kiera, age 5

“The reason I came to school today is because of 37 North.” - Allison, age 7

“The reason I came to school today is because of 37 North.” - Allison, age 7

“That was the best camping trip I have ever been on!” - Charlie, age 12

“That was the best camping trip I have ever been on!” - Charlie, age 12


Katie Allcorn

Youth Director

Allison Osredker

Springfield Manager

Devin Gabbard

Operations Director